
Welcome to my site!! My name is Michie. this is my personal site, where you can find my social media and stuff.

I am an otaku, Himejoshi at Day, Fujoshi at Night. so you can guess what my interests are. I really love talk about Japanese subculture and Media. such as animanga, JRPG, Japanese Game, Vtuber, Moe, Joseimuke, Danseimuke, etc.

I speak EN & ID . I am an adult & lesbian, I also have interests with transgressive media, into dead dove/problematic kink, love ero/NSFW stuff, & dark humor. though despite I enjoy dead dove stuff, I'm pretty vanilla person & most my headcanon is vanilla lol.

I don't really active on social media nowadays but sometimes I do blogging and writing (do mind I'm mostly more comfortable writing in my native language). I'm mostly like to talk about my fave series Lore, Headcanon, Theory, Ship,etc.

WARNING : If you're interested to follow my account in other social media. I am that FREAK in your DNI

also summ listo and ask
